Sad Love Story
Sad love stories are, paradoxically, some of the most beautiful you can find. Perhaps it is the tragedy that pursues the love that appears in them, that feeling that leaves us in our hearts that, despite everything, love always succeeds in the end, although we do not believe it possible:
In life as a couple there are good moments and terrible moments, sometimes, it is worth bearing the bad moments because in the end it will all be worth it, it is a lesson I learned from my parents, who almost divorced when I was a teenager. They sought help, learned to listen to each other, and discovered that they still loved each other. Today my mother passed away, I found her very calm, as if sleeping, hugging one of dad's shirts, for some reason, the room smelled like the after-shave lotion he used to use. My father died five years ago and she always kept some of her shirts. I want to think that he came looking for her to take her with him to the beyond.